
ScioBot 1.0

Learn how to build and operate ScioBot 1.0. In this tutorial, you will gain an understanding of the base components of a basic robot. You will learn about the operation of DC motors, and how they can be controlled. You will learn how to use a breadboard to prototype different electronic configurations, and you will learn how to combine multiple components with a power source to make a fully functional robot!


ScioBot 2.0

ScioBot 2.0 takes the ScioBot 1.0 to the next level by introducing a programmable microcontroller and motor controller. Learn how to read a wiring schematic and properly connect microcontroller digital pinouts to an integrated circuit chip to control two DC motors. Learn how to write custom code and upload it to the microcontroller to send unique instructions to your ScioBot 2.0. This tutorial combines electronics, engineering, and programming for a full robotics experience!


ScioBot 2.0 Vision

ScioBot 2.0 Vision introduces sensors to your ScioBot 2.0. Use the Ultrasonic or Infrared sensors to collect data from the real world. Learn how to use that data to make smart decisions to have your ScioBot 2.0 navigate autonomously! You will learn how to interface sensors with your robot to help your ScioBot 2.0 avoid obstacles or become a line following robot!


ScioBot 2.0 Wifi

The ScioBot 2.0 Wifi is a full stack Internet of Things (IoT) robot. In addition to building a fully programmable robot, you will learn how to code firmware for your ScioBot 2.0 that will host a full HTTP web server. You will also learn how to build a beautiful web interface using HTML and CSS to control your ScioBot 2.0. Upgrade it with sensors and mods to remotely collect real world data and interact with the environment around your ScioBot 2.0!

Content in development… Coming soon!

Content in development… Coming soon!

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